About Us

About Us

smiling woman

Dee Faye’s Let’s Talk Foundation founded on February 8, 2022, by Pamela McCowen, sister and Chanel Whaley, daughter of the late Demetrice Faye McCowen who suffered in silence with depression and anxiety. 

Our beloved was full of life, a keen sense of humor, a warm affectionate smile that was second to none that quite literally would brighten up every room she entered! Having a sibling meant a plethora of shared funny stories, comedy, notwithstanding that good ole sibling rivalry which strengthens the bond. Despite the bond, we learned our beloved Dee Faye kept one major secret from all her siblings including her mother, who she considered her best friend. In fact, the two were affectionately known to all as “Thelma and Louise.” 

The major secret which, our beloved Dee Faye struggled with depression silently for years and in March 2021 she began struggling with severe anxiety. In spite of our best efforts including partnering with mental health care professionals throughout the city our beloved Dee Faye thought to herself enough was enough and chose to end her journey on November 20, 2021, by way of suicide and that Saturday was as sunny and beautiful as her radiant smile, she was finally free. 

Dee Faye’s Let’s Talk Foundation, Inc., is a Mental Health referral agency organization committed to improving the practice of communication between patients and mental health care professionals. Our goal is to hear the unheard, see the unseen and open lines of effective communication for all individuals suffering in silence. Ultimately narrowing the margin of suicide rates nationwide. We are committed to the wellness of ALL individuals, families, and communities with the primary goal to increase communication. 

Our goal is to become a national referral agency partnering with nationwide healthcare organizations, alternative healthcare professionals, local schools, and colleges to not only open communication lines, to not only hold professionals accountable in care, but we also have a goal to aid in lessening the financial gap that is associated with care and/or treatment. 

Our primary aim is to narrow the margin of suicide rates and increase national awareness of mental health needs in underserved communities…Are you ready? Let’s Talk! 

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