smiling woman

Who We Are

About Us

smiling woman

Dee Faye’s Let’s Talk Foundation founded on February 8, 2022, by Pamela McCowen, sister and Chanel Whaley, daughter of the late Demetrice Faye McCowen who suffered in silence with depression and anxiety. Our beloved was full of life, a keen sense of humor, a warm affectionate smile that was second to none that quite literally would brighten up every room she entered! Having a sibling meant a plethora of shared funny stories, comedy, notwithstanding that good ole sibling rivalry which strengthens the bond.

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family sitting on a white couch talking to a counselor


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Beat the Blues: 10 Positive Skills to Combat Depression

Depression can be hard to treat — some patients get better without any treatment, and some patients struggle despite trying many depression treatment options. Therapy ...

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Mental Wellness Edition

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